Physical address
Level 12
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
Rima Tau Rautaki represents a new direction and a new approach. More importantly, it reflects what we heard from iwi on our haerenga around the motu in 2021.
It represents new thinking. We are not just going to do work because we have always done it, we will undertake work because we have thought hard about the programme and we can show that those resources will be deployed to add value for iwi. This was the biggest missing ingredient in driving our work programme forward.
Our Rima Tau Rautaki sets out our new vision, our values and our pou arataki. It is our first step in a new direction — to show where we want to go, how we are going to get there and what we need to focus on to achieve these goals.
At the end of the next five years, we want to be able to look back and see that we have changed the space we work in, created a difference and used our resources to ensure that iwi are at the heart of everything that we do.
These pou are our strategic priorities. We developed these in response to kōrero with iwi across the motu. Together, they address feedback, capture hopes and reflect aspirations for the way that we can work to support iwi and their whānau. Any work we do will support us to reach towards these outcomes.
Pou Tuatahi
By the end of 2026 we have advocated for transformational change to the legislative and policy system impacting iwi fishing and our relationship with Tangaroa
Pou Tuarua
To ensure our programmes assist in increasing the capability of iwi to determine management of their fisheries and marine interests
Pou Tuatoru
To invest in research and innovation that supports an iwi perspective in fisheries management and their relationship with Tangaroa
Pou Tuawhā
To ensure our efforts in protecting the Deed of Settlement have resulted in positive and resilient outcomes for iwi