Your online customary fisheries management tool

IkaNet is an online customary fishing management tool. It enables authorised tangata tiaki/kaitiaki to generate digital customary authorisations to support iwi, hapū and whānau access to kaimoana. Free to use and 100% iwi owned, this online tool supports kaitiaki to manage customary fishing in their rohe.


Check out the features of our online customary management tool

Create and issue customary fishing permits

IkaNet makes is easier for authorised tangata tiaki to create and issue customary fishing permits by bringing the process online. To issue a permit for customary fishing in their rohe, registered tangata tiaki log in to IkaNet and fill out the details of the request – the digital permit (customary authorisation) is then sent directly to the applicant’s email address.

Manage and distribute from pātaka

Some rohe moana have established pātaka which draw on commercial vessels for customary catch. IkaNet allows tangata tiaki and co-ordinators to manage the harvest, storage and supply of kaimoana to marae and iwi members for hui and tangi.

Fisheries New Zealand Authorised platform

IkaNet is a Fisheries New Zealand-approved platform. It’s compliant with a number of customary fishing regulations including: Regulation 52(2)(c) of the Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 2013, Regulation 11 of the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998, and Regulation 11 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999. IkaNet can also be adjusted to be compliant with new customary regulations.

Secure access - 24/7

IkaNet is accessible anywhere where there’s Internet connection. It is a secure platform, access is restricted authorised users only.

Track in real time

IkaNet provides smart tracking tools that reduce manual tasks of collecting and recording fisheries data. This supports management of customary fisheries across the rohe moana by enabling tangata tiaki to co-ordinate and work collectively with access to the latest data.

Reporting and analysis

Create reports, analyse and display customary harvest information to present to kaitiaki, marae and iwi.

He pātai

Frequently asked questions
Is my contact information safe?

When you become a registered user of IkaNet, we will collect personal information from you. This information is collected for the management of your account with us. Information we collect about you will not be disclosed to any other party in a form that will identify you, except in the following specific circumstances:

  • Where you have consented to such disclosure; or
  • Where such disclosure is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise required or permitted by law.
Who owns the information on IkaNet?

Iwi own the information they input into the system. The public do not have access to any iwi information. Iwi data is stored within a secure purpose built data centre with full back up and disaster recovery systems.

Iwi agree to share the information they put into the system with Te Ohu Kaimoana for purposes associated with IkaNet (including the provision of information to Fisheries New Zealand). If information, in addition to the information that is legally required to be shared with Fisheries New Zealand, is requested by Fisheries New Zealand, the respective Iwi must agree in writing in advance.

How much does it cost to use?

IkaNet is free to use. Te Ohu Kaimoana is currently meeting the costs on behalf of iwi that use IkaNet for its intended purposes. This includes the initial system setup, data hosting, training and on-going support for users.

How do I sign up to IkaNet?

To access IkaNet, you must become a registered user. Complete the sign up form by providing:

  • your name
  • contact details
  • Iwi, hapū or marae
  • the role (tangata tiaki/co-ordinator) you are authorised to fulfil
  • evidence of your appointment to this role (we can help with this)

You will then receive an email to complete your registration, including selecting your user name, password and security question answers.

Who can use IkaNet?

IkaNet is available only to iwi members who have officially been appointed as a tangata tiaki / tangata kaitiaki or customary fisheries co-ordinator for their iwi, hapū or marae.

What is IkaNet?

IkaNet allows tangata tiaki to grant customary authorisations online. It also enables tangata tiaki to draw from a pātaka (for rohe moana where one is established). Overall, IkaNet is an online tool that helps manage customary fishing in Aotearoa.