Physical address
Level 12
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
Mō te whakahaere | About the Organisation:
Te Ohu Kaimoana is an integral part of the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries and Aquaculture Settlements and their implementation. As a trusted adviser to iwi, Te Ohu Kaimoana spearhead growth and development in the seafood and fishing industry. They have a representative role with Māori fishing interests from customary to commercial. They also champion policy development and monitor and implement a wide range of work programmes. Te Ohu Kaimoana are grounded in values of Whakapapa, Rangatiratanga, Kotahitanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga and Hihiritanga.
Mō te mahi | About the Mahi:
You’ll lead, guide, direct, and evaluate the mahi of the executive team and implement the overall strategy. You’ll also have responsibility and oversight of approved annual plans and budgets. There is also a focus on maintaining awareness of both the external and internal environments, new industry developments and standards, and government policy changes. With a focus supporting iwi aspirations, you will play an important role in translating aspirations into action.
Mōu | About You:
You’ll be an experienced Chief Executive or senior leader with a well proven record of leadership within te ao Māori. Culturally competent, commercially astute, and strategically agile, you’ll be able to gain the trust and confidence of your Board, staff and stakeholders. Your ability to navigate complexity will be a further hallmark of your career.
This is an extremely important role within Māoridom. If you have the blend of skills and experience we are searching for, and passion for supporting the kaupapa of Te Ohu Kaimoana, we would love to hear from you.
Applications close on Sunday, 28th January 2024.
Me tono mai inaīanei | Apply Now!
To find out more, please get in touch with Russell Spratt via email: russell@tribegroup.com or on 029 446 3770 for a confidential kōrero.
To apply for this vacancy you MUST be a New Zealand citizen, resident, or have already secured the right to work in New Zealand and therefore hold a valid visa.
At the appropriate stage we will request your references, we ask that you do not include them on your CV when applying.
Mō te whakahaere:
He wāhanga waiwai a Te Ohu Kaimoana nō ngā Whakataunga Tiriti o Waitangi mō Ngā Hīnga Ika, Mahi Ahumoana hoki me te whakatinanatanga o ēnei whakataunga. He kaitohutohu whakawhirinaki a Te Ohu Kaimoana ka kōkiri i te tipu me te whanake ki roto i te rāngai kaimoana, hī ika hoki. He kawenga hoki ōna hei whakakanohi i ngā take hī ka a Ngāi Māori, mai i ngā mahinga mātaitai tuku iho tae atu ki ngā mahi arumoni. Ka whakatairanga ia i ngā mahi whakawhanake kaupapahere, ka arotake, ka whakatinana i te whānuitanga o ngā hōtaka mahi. Kei te tūāpapa o Te Ohu Kaimoana ko ngā tikanga o te Whakapapa, Rangatiratanga, Kotahitanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga me te Hihiritanga.
Mō te mahi:
Ka ārahi koe, ka urungi, ka hautū, ka arotake hoki i ngā mahi a te kapa whakahaere, ka whakatinana i te rautaki whānui. Ka whai kawenga koe, ka whakahaere i ngā mahere ā-tau me ngā pūtea. Ka arotahi koe kia mārama ki ngā taiao mōwaho, mōroto hoki, ngā taumata me ngā inenga hou i te rāngai, me ngā whakarerekētanga ki ngā kaupapahere kāwanatanga. Ka arotahi koe ki ngā tūmanako o ngā iwi, ka nui te wāhi ki a koe hei whakatinana i ngā āwhero.
Ka noho koe he Tumu Whakarae e whai wheako ana, he kaiārahi matua rānei e mātanga ana ki te ārahi ki roto i te ao Māori. Ka tau koe ki te ao Māori, ka kakama ki ngā mahi arumoni, ka moruki ki ngā mahi rautaki, ka whakawhirinakitia koe e tō Poari, ngā kaimahi me te hunga whai pānga hoki. Ka mōhiotia koe mō ō pūkenga hei urungi i te pīroiroitanga ki roto i ō mahi ngaio.
He tino tūranga nui tēnei ki roto i te ao Māori. Mehemea e whai ana koe i ngā pūkenga me ngā wheako e rapua ana, e ngākaunui ana hoki koe ki te tautoko i te kaupapa o Te Ohu Kaimoana, tēnei mātau te tino hiahia ki te rongo kōrero i a koe.
Ka kati ngā tono ā te Rātapu 28 o Hanuere 2024.
Me tono mai inaīanei!
Ki te rapu he kōrero anō, me whakapā atu ki a Russell Spratt i 029 446 3770 mō te kōrero muna.
Ki te tono mai ki tēnei tūranga ME NOHO koe he kirirarau nō Aotearoa, he kainoho rānei, me whai kē ranrei i te tika mahi ki Aotearoa me pane uruwhenua e mana ana.
Hei te wā e rite ana, ka pātai atu mātau ki ō kaiwawao, nō reira ka inoi atu kia kaua e whakaurua mai ki tō Tātai Tangata ina ka tono mai.