Physical address
Level 12
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
Te Kāhui o Te Ohu Kai Moana are pleased to invite registrations for this year's Iwi Wānanga. The wānanga will take place from 10:00am Tuesday 18 March 2025 at the Novotel Auckland Airport and is open to authorised representatives of Mandated and Recognised Iwi Organisations, Iwi Asset Holding Companies, Representative Māori Organisations, Te Kāwai Taumata, and members of Te Wai Māori Trust, Tapuwae Roa, Moana New Zealand and Sealord Group Limited.
RSVP here
Agenda (subject to change):
10:00am - Mihi whakatau
10:15am - Māori Fisheries Amendment Act 2024
12:30pm - Tīna | Lunch
1:00pm - Te Kawa o Te Moana
3:00pm - Paramanawa | Afternoon tea
3:15 pm - Wānanga continues
4:30pm - Wānanga concludes