Physical address
Level 12
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
Taka ka taka
Taka ka taka
Taka ka aka te pō
Te pō tangotango
Te pō uriuri, te pō kerere
Te pō whakangaro atu ai te tangata!
Hine-nui-o-te-pō huaki!
Koia ko koe e taku kōkō tangiwai, taku rauhuia titatapu ngaro ki paerau.
Ko au tēnei e mohoao nei ko aku roimata taku kai ao i te pō.
E Tari, Taku whākuao whakaruruhau i taku Iwi Māori, taku āhuru wharetangata, te rei o te niho atete ki te kino, parea parea parea, matika, e topa, tāiko atu ki nga ao o te rangi, e rere koe!
E hakū, e kaimohū ana te ngākau mō tō whānau ka toe nei, aue taukuri e.
We acknowledge the passing of Dame Tariana Turia DNZM. A true advocate for our people, whose legacy will live on forever.
Dame Tariana was leader of her iwi, a staunch, brave and inspirational advocate for Māori, a leader of the occupation of Te Pākaitore, a former member of Parliament and Government Minister, founder of Te Pāti Māori (in part as a response to the Crown’s Foreshore and Seabed legislation), founder of Whānau Ora, amongst many other achievements.
She is the mother of our Tumu Whakarae, Pahia, and has been a strong advocate for Te Ohu Kaimoana and iwi on matters such as the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary.
We extend our deepest aroha to the Turia whānau right now. Ngā iwi o te motu will be welcomed to Whangaehu Marae on Sunday and Monday. Please follow Te Ranga Tupua FB page for more information on the tangi.
E Tari, kia toe mai ko mātau hai piki amokura, hai toheariki, hai pakahiwi kaha mōu. Nāu te rau o taku ate i kōihiihi! E moe, e moe, e moe.