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Wellington 6011
We are pleased to be able to provide you with the Māori Fisheries Amendment Act 2024 (MFAA) Iwi Information Pack 2.0.
The purpose of this pack is to provide you with information to support your understanding of the amendments that will need to be made to Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) governance documents to align with the MFAA.
This pack is comprised of three parts:
Part 1: Context and background
Part one includes a background and timeline of events covering the nearly 10-year history, as well as an overview of the Māori Fisheries Amendment Act 2024.
Part 2: Amendments to MIO constitutional documents
Part two provides an overview and breakdown of the seven required changes to MIO constitutional documents, including details on how these changes came to be, and suggested draft clauses for MIO to consider and utilise, if appropriate for them.
Part 3: Suggested working timeline for MIO
Part three includes a proposed timeline of activities for MIO to amend their constitutional documents.
Click here to download a copy of the second information pack.
For a copy of our first iwi information pack, as well as other helpful resources, please visit our Māori Fisheries Amendment Act 2024 information page.
If you have any questions about any of the content in this information pack, please contact our General Counsel Brianna Boxall via email at: brianna.boxall@teohukaimoana.nz